Friday, January 22, 2010

Thoughts on Our Upcoming Cruise

It's been cold here in North Carolina & I can't wait for our cruise to depart the beautiful city of Charleston, SC on March 8th (incidentally the day before my birthday)... what a way to celebrate, huh? We have a group of 28 Cattail Cruisers on this cruise... there were 32, but some had to cancel. Nonetheless, our group of 28 will rock the boat. Ken & I are hosting a wine & cheese party for the group on Feb. 21st in our home. I am hoping that my Celebrity DSM comes across with some door prizes and such! & Of course, we will have an onboard party as well... and perhaps other events if the group is interested.

As I said before, Ken & I are staying at the French Quarter Inn in Charleston the night of March 7th and plan to have dinner at one of Charleston's wonderful low country restaurants that evening. If any of you will be in Charleston that evening and want to join us for dinner, let me know & I will make reservations accordingly.

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